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Spirit Drawings

In my years as a Spirit Artist, I have done thousands of drawings. Each time I am amazed by what Spirit is able to communicate to me, but it is the incredible validation that the visual work provides that continues to astonish me and my clients. Here are samples of my work. It is important to note that these are photo's that clients send to me after their sessions. As you will see, the details are quite remarkable


We got a spirit reading back in march 2010. Rita did an amazing job and she drew a racecar on his shirt and she shaded the shirt to show two different colors.


We were going through pictures and this is the ONLY picture I have of Landon with this racecar shirt on. And it wasn't online either. We would really appreciate it if you would post this on your site. I want others to see and believe.


Thanks for all you do.

Candace Anders and Judy Busbee



Hi Rita,


Thank you for the beautiful reading on Saturday. I always felt that Pop is with me, even though he is my husband's grandfather.  I would sometimes blow off those feelings as if he was not my biological grandfather.  I thank you for the validation and the beautiful message from spirit!  And thank you Connie for inviting me to join you at such a fun gathering of spirit!  Much love to you both!!  FYI- I just got a little flash of something and I think it's Pop wanting me to tell you both one more thing.  His wife is named Rita and my mother- in-law is named Rita.  I feel he picked you, Rita.  He felt comfortable with you.



I just wanted to thank you again for the reading with all the comfort it provided knowing Dawn is still and always with us. Attached is a page I made with your drawing  of my daughter with her picture ( bottom at 18 - top 37).



Thank you so much


Terilee Riehl



I still remember when you drew the picture in first you said he came to you with his back towards you! I thought that was funny because he hated to have his picture taken. It wasn't until I said "baby do it for me" did he turn around so you could see him! I don't know if the picture I sent of your drawing does it justice because when I look at the drawing the likeness is incredible!


Carol said the resemblence is stunning!


Hi Rita,

I very much enjoyed your reading of my dad at Heaven on Earth the other night. I thought you might like to see a photograph of him along side the portrait you drew (both are attached). It really is an incredible likeness. Even my sister was blown away (that's saying something!).

In the reading, you said that he was telling me to be patient about a frustrating project. At the time I had a hard time making the connection, but later that night, I had that "aha" moment and knew precisely what he was talking about. So you were spot on when you told me to say: "You're right, Rita"! :)

Thank you so much for another wonderful experience. I hope to have the opportunity to take another one of your classes soon.

Take Care , Johannah Adams



It will be a week ago tomorrow that I went to see rita Berkowitz at Alden park. It took me some time to post this because I'm still amazed that my brother Michael came through. May not be exact but it was also how she described him and things that she knew totally shocked me. Still don't know how she knew certain things but she did! She was right on!  Of course I balled my eyes out! But it was also comforting!  Deb D.



You told me the exact circumstances for the reason of his passing and this portrait is amazing.  I had it framed, it is in my living room over Eric's urn.


With Mom and Grandma talking away, Marianne's brother chose to show himself.


Even though I miss her each and every day, i no longer grieve over her passing because I know she is still her in spirit, as is evident by your remarkable portrait.​


The Ferrazzano twins attended our demonstration at The Inn at Pleasant lake and received a spirit drawing of their father. They said "Our father's name was William Ferrazzano (he was 62 when he passed) and it was quite an unexpected surprise to see you draw him!


My name is Linda Slattery and you did a spirit communication reading with a spirit artist drawing for me on 6/29 2009. The drawing you did was a lover of mine named Mark.  I want you to see a picture of him and the drawing that you did-which is absolutely amazing! Thank you for all that you do and God Bless!




Joe Shiel is a Spirit Artist from Lily Dale.  He came to my office to experience having a drawing done by another Spirit artist and his father came through beautifully.


I want to thank you so much for the validation of his presence, and the connection you gave me with my Dad last week.  It is a priceless gift that has restored my faith and I will always cherish. With Gratitude, Eileen Diedrichsen


Joan McGeehan came to our church after she lost her husband.  She began to attend classes and one night I said to her "I have a bearded man" and started to describe him. A couple of weeks later Joan came to our "day of Spirit" for a drawing.  After seeing the image she said,'but he had longer hair" She went home and found this photo taken right after their wedding.​


Melissa wrote to me recently about her phone reading and the sketch she received. "It was an honor and a pleasure to speak with you last Thursday, I'm so happy that my mother came through for us. It was a wonderful experience.  I received your drawing yesterday and thought I would share an actual photo of my mother, Billie with you. Your gift is amazing, truly it is.


From Karen Cruz: I'd like to thank you for an incredible reading on 2/26/08 at 5:30 pm.  Your drawing of Jeff was amazing and what came through in the reading was so accurate.  My daughter was also very impressed when she saw your work and listened to the CD.  I believe it has had a positive effect on her, which was my main reason for the reading.  i have attached a copy of the drawing and a photo of Jeff in case you'd like to add them to your portfolio.  Thanks again for a great experience!"


Lee Bresciani came to see me after losing her son.  As I was drawing I was aware of his intensely blue eyes, his very short hair and his little goatee.  We were both thrilled, she to hear how clearly he came through and I to see his photo.


You don't always get what you want, but you get what you need.  Amy brought her client, a disabled woman, for a spirit drawing as a Christmas present.  She asked to connect to her mother, but instead the woman who came through was a personal care attendant that had worked with her for years.  She was thrilled.


I met Tanya in CA while giving a workshop.  She called about a year later and asked for a spirit drawing.  A beautiful young woman came through, elegant describing her home in Europe.  When Tanya received the drawing she kindly sent me a a copy of the drawing and a photo of her deceased mother.


This wonderful, vivacious woman came through clearly with a love for hot pink attire.


A great aunt's love never dies.


Cathy called to connect with her deceased son Danny.  he came through clearly and I was thrilled when she sent back a copy of the photo and the drawing.  The next year she called for a life reading.  At the end she asked if Danny had anything to say to her. I was so surprised to see him walking out of the water shaking himself off.  I described it as shaking himself off like a duck.  I couldn't believe  that I had just said that when she laughed and cried at the same time.  She told me that  earlier that day she prayed and asked "Danny if you are really here, get Rita to say the word duck."


Bob Olson was given a gift certificate from his wife Melissa to get a drawing of his spirit guide for a birthday present.  When he came through I described him as sort of Yankee Soldier and gave him information.  We were both surprised to see that his guide was actually a great,great uncle who told of Bob walking and having fun with a wonderful dog.  Later Bob got the  dog.


This dynamic young man came through with his great love for music which his mother confirmed.  Even the collar line of his sweater matched.


Sometimes the details even amaze me!


The hair atop the head and cheekbones struck me most about this woman


Although we usually say that Spirit loved ones are not the  same as Spirit Guides when Jo Lynn wanted a portrait of her Spirit guide, Aunt Lillian made an appearance.


Her granddaughter cancelled the appointment, but her sister's husband went in her place.  Grandma came through anyway, he didn't know who it was until they got the picture home for the sisters to see


Although 83 when he crossed, he chose to show himself as a younger man.


You just can't fake a face like that.


Jay Pflging called from Indiana to have a phone session and was totally opened to who he would receive.  " I have a grandfather for you'" I said. After sending him the drawing, Jay responded with this photo.


Three of my family came thru, thought I would send you all the drawings, that Rita did, and my pictures at home. The person that came thru, we thought was my Uncle, but thinking about it when I got home and looking at my Fathers picture and the message that he sent to me, I realized it was him not my Uncle, and the message was that He was glad that I was getting to do what I had always wanted to do, because he never got the chance to do what he wanted. My Father died when he was 30. Then another man came thru, and I knew it was my other Uncle James, by the description, his picture below and my picture of him.  It all made sense when I thought about it more at home. He is my Fathers big brother, who died last year. Now I know they are together.  And a woman who I think was my Grandmother came thru, the description of her and what she did was pretty right on, except the pearls, she never wore them.


Nancy wanted to connect with her deceased husband.  He came through with messages of love.

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Scituate, MA

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Copyright 2012 The Spirit Artist Rita S. Berkowitz

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